Fibber McGee & Molly - Cleaning the Hall Closet
The very favorite (and perhaps most remembered) of the all the running gags on the Fibber McGee & Molly program is opening the hall closet door. That beloved closet, and the hilarious results of opening it, first appeared in this episode.
The plot: Fibber needs his dictionary from the hall closet. When Molly goes to retrieve it for him she opens the closet door and suddenly finds herself buried in a mountain of tumbling rubble -- all the junk Fibber has salvaged and squirrelled away over the years.
The closet routine was repeated over and over again throughout the run of the show -- much to the anticipation and delight of audiences and listeners everywhere.
Featuring: Jim Jordan, Marian Jordan, Harlow Wilcox, Harold Peavy, Isabel Randolph, Gracie Allen, Bill Thompson, Billy Mills Orchestra, The Kingsmen
Original Air Date: March 5, 1940 on NBC
Listen to more episodes of Fibber McGee & Molly
Photo: Jim & Marion Jordan as Fibber McGee & Molly