July 9, 2020

OTR Westerns - Six Shooter

The Six Shooter  -  Jenny

While on the trail to Lead Creek, Brit comes across a young man in a gully who has been shot and tossed by his horse. Weak, but still alive, Brit gets him to the nearest cabin, where he is nursed by the single resident, Jenny Garver.

As Brit rides to town to fetch a doctor, he meets up with a posse hunting for a young killer. What happens next is perhaps the biggest tragedy of all.

Featuring: Jimmy Stewart, Dee J. Thompson, Jess Kirkpatrick, George Neise, Harry Bartell. Original Air Date: 9-20-53 on NBC

This was one of the first episodes of this fine show, and it really set the pattern for future shows.  This story has a lot of heart, which became a hallmark of The Six Shooter.  

Listen to more episodes of The Six Shooter 

Photo:  Jack Johnstone (producer/director) and Jimmy Stewart
