
Escape! -- Listen to Escape Episodes Below.
Escape! was one of radio's best anthology series. The show boasted tales of of high-adventure, and has provided old time radio listeners with a literal vault of outstanding radio dramas.
The show aired on CBS from July, 1947 to September, 1954.
The majority of the episodes involved every day people suddenly thrust into dire life-or-death situations. The scripts were both original stories written for the Escape! by freelance writers, and adaptations of previously published stories from well known authors.
A few of the more famous adaptations you may recognize include Richard Connell's The Most Dangerous Game, F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Diamond as Big as the Ritz, Daphne du Maurier's The Birds, Carl Stephenson's Leiningen Versus the Ants, and Ray Bradbury's Mars Is Heaven.
The show was narrated at different times by Paul Frees and also by William Conrad. The program was produced and directed by William N. Robson, Norm Macdonnell, and Antony Ellis.
Escape! is still a go-to show for old time radio buffs today who want exciting dramas. You will find it very difficult to find an episode that is not highly entertaining.