Jack Benny Show - Guest: Gisele Mackenzie
This is a classic episode and very funny. Jack is in New York and has
a date with Gisele Mackenzie. On the way to meet her at the station, he runs into John L.C. Sivoney (Frankie Fontaine) for an hilarious exchange.
When he picks up Giselle, they take a cab to the restaurant and the cab ride offers two classic bits: One by Mel Blanc and the other having to do with the taxi meter. Both are priceless.
Bet you can't listen to this one without laughing out loud.
Featuring: Jack Benny, Gisele Mackenzie, Frankie Fontaine, Don Wilson, Rochester, Mary Livingston
Original Air Date: July 11, 1954 on CBS
Listen to more episodes of The Jack Benny Show
Photo: Jack Benny and Gisele Mackenzie