Lux Radio Theatre

Lux Radio Theatre - Listen to Episodes Below
Start with the greatest Hollywood actors, then add the most talented directors, throw in the top writers and mix with outstanding production values. Add as your host a world class Hollywood legend. Extend the presentation to a full hour each week.
Does that sound like the perfect mix? Fans of old-time radio agree that Lux Radio Theatre is one program that encapsulated such a magical formula better than any other show.
From 1934 to 1955, Lux Radio Theatre was one of the best produced shows on on the air. Each week Lux presented radio adaptations of the top motion pictures of the era. Naturally, Lux was presented in Hollywood, where every Monday night a new story was presented featuring major Hollywood stars, directors and top-notch production values.
Each broadcast employed around 50 people or more (Louis Silver's orchestra alone had 25 musicians). There were normally 15 to 20 (or more) actors, and of course there were the technicians and stage employees.
Each show required five days, from Thursday to Monday, to prepare, rehearse and finally present. Rehersals ran until the very last minute: The final rehearsal just one and a half hours before the live show played to the nation.
Come and enjoy Lux Radio Theatre and become immersed in outstanding dramas, comedies, musicals and fantasies. There really was no other show quite like it.