NBC Theatre - Track of the Cat
In a ranch in Nevada complex family dynamics play out against the backdrop of the first big snowstorm of winter.
An enormous panther that possesses almost mythical qualities is killing cattle. A pitiless son and a rigid mother take sides against the eldest son and his alcoholic father. The youngest son all the while tries to lay low -- he has brought the girl he hopes to marry for a visit.
Family squabbles intensify until the two oldest brothers set out in the midst of a violent snowstorm on a dangerous mission to kill the deadly panther.
Featuring: John Dehner, Rona Williams, Noreen Gammill, Lynn Millan, Don Randolph, Lynn Whitney, Stephen Chase, Lee Millar, Ralph Moody
Original Air Date: February 5, 1950 on NBC
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Photo: Track of the Cat by Walter Van Tilburg Clark